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Friday, May 14, 2010

Sea of Reflections

Nothing like rain after a you've just waxed your car.  There are more than 2,000 reflections of me in this shot!  No, I didn't count each one. I'm not that anal (but close).  Sorry, but the contrast is non-existent.  It was cloudy and cool.

Submitted for Weekend Reflections #34.

Canon EF 50mm f1.4 USM lens
Exposure 1/250 sec @ f3.5
ISO 200
Curves adjusted for contrast


Carolyn Ford said...

Amazing! They naturally all line up in nice straight rows...

EG CameraGirl said...

This photo is so cool! I was out trying to capture water droplets this morning but I did not get anything as nice as this!

cieldequimper said...

Woody, this is fantastic. It belongs in an art book.

James said...

I love this shot! I suddenly feel inspired. :) I think this might be one of my favorites of all of your photos.

Regina said...

Wow this is awesome!
Happy weekend.

Suburban Girl said...

Nothing like a just waxed car, especially in the rain. It is a great shot too.

Biana said...

great photo, interesting

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific capture, Wayne! And now I'm inspired and won't complain when the rain returns here on Sunday! Going to have to give this a try! Hope you have a great weekend!


Marka said...

Yeah, I gotta break out that stuff here soon one of these days.

Joanne said...

Fantastic, beautiful!

Sunny said...

Great picture. Looks like some kind of hi-tech bubble wrap.
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. There are 1027 of you there! Just kidding, I made up that number.

This is one of the best Reflections shots I've seen! Wow.

eileeninmd said...

what a cool looking image! Great capture!

Dimple said...

Nice shot, I think the contrast is great because each droplet has its own bit of darkness to show it off!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Some people would look and just see a wet car. You saw a masterpiece!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Love the self portrait. Would love having this clean of a car even MORE!!!! Fantastic!


Serline said...

It takes talent to make something as mundane as raindrops into such beauty. Have a blessed weekend!

Lorac said...

That is a very cool shot! I would not have thought to look into water drops!

Carolyn said...

What a wonderful macro shot. I loe the mini world in each water droplet. Thanks for sharing.

Ingrid said...

Very special and creative ! looks like grey perls !

Marilla said...

Drops are always fascinating! Lovely shot.

Earnest said...

Ha, ha..... neat.